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Our Courses

Advanced Excel Course

Advanced Excel Training in Ajman

In this Advanced MS Excel course, we will prepare you to become a power user of Excel - this is your last step before specializing at a professional level. The topics we have prepared will challenge you as you learn how to use advanced formula techniques and sophisticated lookups.

Advanced MS Excel-pic

You will clean and prepare data for analysis, and learn how to work with dates and financial functions. An in-depth look at spreadsheet design and documentation will prepare you for our big finale, where you will learn how to build professional dashboards in Excel. Spreadsheet software remains one of the most ubiquitous pieces of software used in workplaces around the world. Learning to confidently operate this software means adding a highly valuable asset to your employability portfolio. Advanced Excel is a comprehensive course that gives you a clear understanding of the most recent and advanced features in Microsoft Excel. This course is for anyone who works with complex data in MS-Excel to build charts, tables, and technical reports. It will be useful to all readers who regularly use MS-Excel to analyze data.

Who this course is for:
• Specialising in MS Excel

What you’ll learn:
• Master unique tips, tools and case studies
• Most Advanced features in Microsoft Excel

United Excel Courses

Course Overview

    Lesson 1: Using Custom & Conditional Formats
  • 1.01 Reasons for Using Custom Format
  • 1.02 Understanding Conditional Formatting
  • 1.03 Managing the Conditional Format Rules
  • 1.04 Changing the Conditional Formatting Rules
  • 1.05 Locating Cells with Conditional Formatting
  • 1.06 Working with Conditional Formatting
  • Lesson 2: Using Range Names
  • 2.01 Assigning Names to Groups of Cells
  • 2.02 Managing Named Range
  • 2.03 Using Names in Formulas
  • Lesson 3: Using Formulas & Functions
  • 3.01 Understanding Formulas & Functions
  • 3.02 Quick Way to Insert a Function
  • 3.03 Viewing the Formulas (and not the results)
  • 3.04 How to Delete Values and not Formulas
  • 3.05 Create a Relative & Absolute Reference
  • 3.06 Working with Logical Functions
  • 3.07 Using SUMIF and COUNTIF Functions
  • 3.08 Working with Text Functions
  • 3.09 Working with Date and Time Functions
  • 3.10 Working with Lookup Functions
  • 3.11 Understanding VLOOKUP Function
  • Lesson 4: Managing, Sorting & Filtering Tables
  • 4.01 Create and Modify Tables
  • 4.02 Sorting and Filtering Data in a Table
  • 4.03 Getting Summary Information in a Table
  • 4.04 Calculate Total Row in a Table
  • 4.05 Display Special Formatting for First/Last Column
  • 4.06 Outline a List of Data
  • 4.07 Validating Data During Entry
  • 4.08 Working with Database Functions
  • 4.09 Using Advanced Filters in Excel
  • 4.10 Quick Analysis
  • Lesson 5: Working with Charts
  • 5.01 Summarizing Data Visually Using Charts
  • 5.02 Creating a Chart Quickly
  • 5.03 Changing the Chart Type
  • 5.04 Customizing Chart Data
  • 5.05 Show or Hide Chart Gridlines
  • 5.06 Creating a Pie Chart
  • 5.07 Saving the Chart as a Template
  • 5.08 Creating Combination Charts
  • 5.09 Using The New Pareto Chart Functionality
  • 5.10 Using Recommended Charts Effectively
    Lesson 6: Working with Pivot Tables
  • 6.01 What is a Pivot Table
  • 6.02 Anatomy of a Pivot Table
  • 6.03 How does a Pivot Table Works
  • 6.04 Create a Basic Pivot Table Report
  • 6.05 Rearranging a Pivot Table Report
  • 6.06 Customizing a Pivot Table
  • 6.07 Changing Summary Calculations
  • 6.08 Adding and Removing Subtotals
  • 6.09 Sorting in a Pivot Table
  • 6.10 Filtering in a Pivot Table
  • 6.11 Create Report Filter Pages
  • 6.12 Using Slicers in Pivot 0Table
  • 6.13 Working with Pivot Chart
  • Lesson 7: Working with Shared Workbooks
  • 7.01 Working in a Group Environment
  • 7.02 Sharing Workbooks in Excel
  • 7.03 Commenting in Cells
  • 7.04 Tracking Changes in Workbooks
  • 7.05 Accepting or Rejecting Changes
  • 7.06 Keeping a Backup of your Changes
  • Lesson 8: Working with Multiple Workbooks
  • 8.01 Linking to Other Workbook
  • 8.02 Consolidating Multiple Sets of Data
  • 8.03 Consolidate Multiple Worksheets
  • Lesson 9: Protecting Your Worksheet and Workbook
  • 9.01 Protecting Your Worksheet
  • 9.02 Protecting Your Formulas
  • 9.03 Protecting Your Workbook
  • 9.04 Save Your Workbook with Password
  • 9.05 Encrypting your Workbook
  • Lesson 10: Working with Excel Macros
  • 10.01 Recording & Testing a Macro
  • 10.02 Using the Developer Tab
  • 10.03 Create a Macro
  • 10.04 Relative and Absolute Recording
  • 10.05 Testing the Macro
  • 10.06 Running and Deleting Macros
  • 10.07 Using a Shortcut key
  • 10.08 Placing a Macro on the Quick Access Toolbar
  • 10.09 Macro Programming in Excel
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