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    AlBustan, Liwara 2,
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    Ajman, UAE
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Our Courses

Digital Marketing Course

Digital Marketing Course in Ajman

Our Advanced Digital Marketing course will teach you what you need to know about search engine optimization, social media, pay-per-click, conversion optimization, digital analytics, content marketing, and email marketing. Real-world tasks and interactive environments are also included in the course to help you gain domain experience so that you can jump start your career in digital marketing right now.

Digital Marketing-pic

Our Digital Marketing training courses we deal with the essentially collaborate in marketing, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Social Media Marketing (SMM), and Social Media Optimization (SMO). If these techniques are learned, they can lead to increased profits and opportunities for both the business and the expert. Courses in digital marketing will teach you the most advanced and cutting-edge topics in the field.

This Advanced digital marketing course covers key aspects of digital marketing, demonstrating how to integrate and reach consumers while increasing sales. It will help you understand how to maximize online campaigns and the success of your online marketing investments. It will also give you an understanding of how digital marketing is approached from both a customer and an agency  perspective

What you will Learn

1. Search engine optimization (SEO)
2. Social Media Marketing (SMM)
3. Social Media Optimization (SMO)
4. Google Ads (SEM)

Who Should Attend?

This course is for a variety of professions and for all levels of marketing and business experience. This course is for those who are in charge of designing or executing an organization's online marketing plan, including:
• Students
• College pass-outs
• Business owners
• CEOs
• Housewives
• Work from home individuals
• For anyone who would like to pursue a career in digital marketing
• Marketing Executives
• Senior management
• Marketing and Business Development Managers
• Sales Executives
• IT Managers
• Sales Head
• Ecommerce enthusiasts and professionals
• SEO executives

Benefits of Attending

• Include digital marketing as an integral part of the marketing plan and business objectives.
• Increase online conversion rates while increasing new user traffic to your website.
• Create and execute advertisement and marketing campaigns on the internet.
• Create effective PPC and mobile marketing strategies that are targeted.
• To improve customer satisfaction, monitor and analyze visitor traffic to your website.

Digital Marketing Course Details

    1: Introduction Digital Marketing
  • 1.01 Importance Of Digital Marketing
  • 1.02 How did Internet Marketing work?
  • 1.03 Traditional Vs. Digital Marketing
  • 1.04 Types of Digital Marketing
  • 1.05 Increasing Visibility
  • 1.06 Visitors’ Engagement
  • 1.07 Bringing Targeted Traffic
  • 1.08 Lead Generation
  • 2: Analysis and keyword research
  • 2.01 Market Research
  • 2.02 Keyword Research And Analysis
  • 2.03 Types Of Keywords
  • 2.04 Tools Used For Keyword Research
  • 2.05 Localized Keyword Research
  • 2.06 Competitor Website Keyword Analysis
  • 2.07 Choosing Right Keywords To The Project
  • 3: Search engine optimization (seo)
  • 3.01 SEO Fundamentals & Concepts
  • 3.02 Understanding The SERP
  • 3.03 Google Processing
  • 3.04 Indexing
  • 3.05 Crawling
  • 4: On page optimization
  • 4.01 Meta Data Optimization
  • 4.02 URL Optimization
  • 4.03 Internal Linking
  • 4.04 Canonical Implementation
  • 4.05 H1, H2, H3 Tags Optimization
  • 4.06 Image Optimization
  • 4.07 Landing Page Optimization
  • 4.08 Creating XML Sitemap
  • 4.09 Robot.txt
  • 5: Off page optimization
  • 5.01 Link Building Tips & Techniques
  • 5.02 White Hat And Black Hat SEO
  • 5.03 Alexa Rank, Domain
  • 5.04 Link Acquisition Techniques
  • 6: Seo updates and analysis
  • 6.03 Google Penalties
  • 6.04 SEO Tools For Website Analysis
  • 6.05 Competitor Website Analysis And Backlinks
  • 6.06 Backlinks Tracking, Monitoring

    7: Local business & Google mapping
  • 7.01 Creating Local Listing In Search Engine
  • 7.02 Google Places Setup
  • 7.03 Search Engine Visibility Reports
  • 7.04 Verification Of Listing
  • 7.05 Google Reviews
  • 8: Google ad words or pay per click Marketing
  • 8.01 Google Ad words
  • 8.02 Introduction To Online Advertising
  • 8.03 Ad words Account And Campaign Basics
  • 8.04 Ad words Targeting And Placement
  • 8.05 Ad words Bidding And Budgeting
  • 8.06 Ad words Tool
  • 9: Social media optimization (smo)
  • 9.01 Introduction to Logistic Regression
  • 9.02 Logistic Regression use cases
  • 9.03 Understand use of odds & Logit function
  • 9.04 Predicting credit card default cases
  • 9.05 Social Media Optimization
  • 9.06 Introduction To Social Media Networks
  • 9.07 Types Of Social Media Websites
  • 9.08 Social Media Optimization Concepts
  • 9.09 Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, YouTube
  • 10: Social media marketing (smm)
  • 10.01 Facebook Optimization
  • 10.02 Fan Page Vs Profile Vs Group
  • 10.03 Creating Facebook Page For Business
  • 10.04 Increasing Fans And Doing Marketing
  • 10.05 Facebook Analytics
  • 10.06 Creating Advertising Campaigns
  • 10.07 Payment Modes
  • 11: Introduction To Twitter
  • 11.01 Creating Strong Profiles On Twitter
  • 11.02 Followers, ReTweets, Clicks
  • 11.03 Conversions, HashTags
  • 12: LinkedIn Optimization
  • 12.01 What Is LinkedIn?
  • 12.02 Individual Profile Vs. Company Profile
  • 12.03 Branding On LinkedIn
  • 12.04 Marketing On LinkedIn Groups
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