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    AlBustan, Liwara 2,
    Near ABCD Bank
    Ajman, UAE
  • +971 54 7899 234 ,0506016017

Our Courses

Business English training | United Institute

Effective Business Communication: Expert English Training

This course is designed to enhance students' English language proficiency specifically for professional and business contexts. Through a combination of language theory, practical exercises, and business simulations, students will develop the linguistic and communication skills necessary to excel in various business environments, including meetings, presentations, negotiations, and written correspondence.

Business English

Interested to join United Business English course?
For information on enrollment please Call: +971 506016017.

Course Outline :

Business Vocabulary and Terminology :

  • Introduction to key business terms and phrases used in various industries
  • Building a business vocabulary related to marketing, finance, management, and entrepreneurship
  • Understanding common abbreviations, acronyms, and jargon used in business communication

Business Writing Skills :

  • Writing professional emails, memos, and business letters
  • Crafting clear and concise reports, proposals, and presentations
  • Polishing writing skills for clarity, coherence, and professionalism

Effective Speaking and Presentation Techniques :

  • Developing confidence and clarity in spoken English
  • Practicing effective presentation techniques, including structuring presentations, using visual aids, and engaging the audience
  • Improving pronunciation, intonation, and fluency for effective oral communication

Business Meetings and Negotiations :

  • Understanding the structure and etiquette of business meetings
  • Participating in discussions, expressing opinions, and asking questions effectively
  • Negotiation skills: bargaining, compromising, and reaching agreements

Intercultural Communication in Business :

  • Recognizing cultural differences in communication styles and business practices
  • Developing strategies for effective cross-cultural communication and collaboration
  • Avoiding cultural misunderstandings and fostering cultural sensitivity in business interactions

Business Reading and Listening Comprehension :

  • Enhancing reading comprehension skills through business articles, case studies, and reports
  • Developing listening skills through business-related podcasts, interviews, and presentations
  • Practicing note-taking and summarizing skills for effective information retention

Business Etiquette and Professionalism :

  • Understanding business etiquette in different cultural contexts
  • Maintaining professionalism in written and oral communication
  • Handling business correspondence, phone calls, and meetings with confidence and poise

Role-Playing and Business Simulations :

  • Engaging in role-playing activities to simulate real-life business scenarios
  • Practicing communication skills in negotiations, client meetings, and team collaborations
  • Receiving feedback and guidance for improvement from peers and instructors

Business English for Specific Purposes :

  • Tailoring language skills to specific business contexts, such as marketing, finance, human resources, or international trade
  • Developing specialized vocabulary and communication strategies for industry-specific communication challenges

Business English Portfolio Development :

  • Compilation of written documents, presentations, and recordings demonstrating proficiency in various business communication skills
  • Reflection and self-assessment on language development and improvement throughout the course

By the end of the course, students will have developed the language skills and confidence necessary to communicate effectively in professional and business settings, facilitating their success in a globalized and multicultural business environment.

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