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Our Courses

Cambridge English Assessment training

cambridge english assessment

Cambridge English Language Assessment has the widest range of certificates for English teachers and students anywhere in the world. Cambridge English Language Assessment works in over 130 countries and gives tests to about five million people every year. Their goal is to be the experts in language testing and to offer excellence and new ideas.

cambridge english assessment

Schools, universities, and private and state employers all over the English-speaking world know about and accept the Cambridge English Language Assessment tests. If you pass a Cambridge English test, you'll get a certificate that shows what level of English you have reached and is recognised around the world.

Interested to join United Cambridge English Assessment Preparation?
For information on enrollment please Call: +971 506016017.

Cambridge English certificates are thorough, well-known tests that make learning English fun, useful, and satisfying. This test result paper is good for life, so don't throw it away.
Cambridge English Language

For high school and college, Cambridge offers three levels of English: B2 First, C1 Advanced, and C2 Proficiency. No matter what your goals are, Cambridge English qualifications are a sign of quality that is recognised and respected by tens of thousands of groups around the world.

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0506016017 | 065464400