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    Ajman, UAE
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Our Courses

Azteca University

Azteca University | United Institute

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Azteca University is geographically located in Charco, State of Mexico. The University of Azteca is affiliated with Centro de Estudios Superiores Azteca. The private university was founded in 1994 and was approved by the Federal Secretary of Education (SEP) of Mexico in 1997.
The university is accredited by the Secretary of Public Education (SEP) Reconocimiento de ValidezOficial de Estudios (RVOE) and awards graduate and graduate degrees in the fields of international trade, business administration, information systems and data processing (IT). doing.|
AZTECA University in Asia and the Middle East, supporting educational programs through UNITED EDUCATION. The AZTECA University program is highly competitive and promotes professional progress for students. Doctoral, graduate, and bachelor programs are supported in a targeted and comprehensive manner.
Students can enroll in UNITED EDUCATION in a dual degree program at AZTECA University and Central Nicaragua University to earn two qualifications in the same period, saving valuable time. Contact us for assistance in obtaining a graduate degree, master's degree, and / or doctoral degree from AZTECA University.

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