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  • #207 #208, Bin Hamooda Building,
    AlBustan, Liwara 2,
    Near ABCD Bank
    Ajman, UAE
  • +971 54 7899 234 ,0506016017

Our Courses

PHP Coding


Core PHP

PHP is a powerful server side programming language for general purpose programming and for making dynamic and interactive web content. PHP is used to create web portals, content management system applications, e-commerce websites etc. It is very easy to learn and opens up a lot of opportunities for you as a programmer. Since it is a simple, secure and stable open source programming language, php has become one of the most popular server side scripting languages. Our PHP training course in United develops the skills required for PHP programmers. You are given the choice to build your own IT career in United Institute providing the best PHP Training in UAE.

    Introduction to PHP
  • Evaluation of Php
  • Basic Syntax
  • Defining variable and constant
  • Php Data type
  • Operator and Expression
  • Session 1: Handling Html Form With Php
  • Capturing Form Data
  • Dealing with Multi-value filed
  • Generating File uploaded form
  • Redirecting a form after submission
  • Session 2: Decisions and loop
  • Making Decisions
  • Doing Repetitive task with looping
  • Mixing Decisions and looping with Html
  • Session 3: Function
  • What is a function
  • Define a function
  • Call by value and Call by reference
  • Recursive function
  • Session 4: Managing Worksheets
  • 4.01 Introduction
  • 4.02 Naming and Moving Worksheets
  • 4.03 Copying Worksheets
  • 4.04 Adding, Deleting and Hiding Worksheets
  • 4.05 Grouping Worksheets
  • 4.06 Moving, Copying, Deleting and Hiding Grouped

  • Session 5: String
  • Creating and accessing
  • String Searching & Replacing
  • String Formatting String
  • String Related Library function
  • Session 6: Array
  • Anatomy of an Array
  • Creating index based and Associative array
  • Accessing array Element
  • Looping with Index based array
  • Looping with associative array using each() and

  • Some useful Library function
    Session 7: Working with file and Directories
  • Understanding file& directory
  • Opening and closing a file
  • Coping ,renaming and deleting a file
  • Working with directories
  • Building a text editor
  • File Uploading & Downloading
  • Session 8: State management
  • Using query string(URL rewriting)
  • Using Hidden field
  • Using cookies
  • Using session
  • Session 9: String matching with regular expression
  • What is regular expression
  • Pattern matching in Php
  • Replacing text
  • Splitting a string with a Regular Expression
  • Generating Images with PHP
  • Basics of computer Graphics
  • Creating Image
  • Manipulating Image
  • Using text in Image
  • Advance PHP
  • Introduction to OOPS
  • Introduction Objects
  • Declaring a class
  • The new keyword and constructor
  • Destructor
  • Access method and properties using $this variable
  • Public ,private, protected properties and methods
  • Static properties and method
  • Class constant Inheritance & code reusability
  • Polymorphism
  • Parent:: & self:: keyword
  • Instanceof operator
  • Abstract method and class
  • Interface
  • Final
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