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  • #207 #208, Bin Hamooda Building,
    AlBustan, Liwara 2,
    Near ABCD Bank
    Ajman, UAE
  • +971 54 7899 234 ,0506016017

Our Courses

Python Programming Language

Python Programming Language-pic

Course Overview

Take real college Python programming courses from United. Become familiar with the basics of python including python syntax, conditionals, and much more. Learn everything from python fundamentals to advanced subjects and topics.

    Session 1 : Introduction to Python
  • Getting Started
  • Keywords and Identifiers
  • Statements & Comments
  • Python Variables
  • Python Datatypes
  • Python Type Conversion
  • Python I/O and import
  • Python Operators
  • Python Namespace
  • Session 2 : Python Flow Control
  • Python if...else
  • Python for Loop
  • Python while Loop
  • Python break and continue
  • Python Pass
  • Session 3 : Python Functions
  • Python Functions
  • Function Argument
  • Python Recursion
  • Anonymous Function
  • Global, Local and Nonlocal
  • Python Global Keyword
  • Python Modules
  • Python Package
  • Session 4 : Python Datatypes
  • Python Numbers
  • Python List
  • Python Tuple
  • Python String
  • Python Set
  • Python Dictionary
    Session 5 : Python Files
  • Python File Operation
  • Python Directory
  • Python Exception
  • Python Exception Handling
  • Python User-defined Exception
  • Session 6 : Python Object & Class
  • Python OOP
  • Python Class
  • Python Inheritance
  • Multiple Inheritance
  • Operator Overloading
  • Session 7 : Python Advanced Topics
  • Python Iterator
  • Python Generator
  • Python Closure
  • Python Decorators
  • Python Property
  • Python RegEx
  • Python Examples
  • Session 8 : Python Date & Time
  • Python datetime Module
  • Python datetime.strftime()
  • Python datetime.strptime()
  • Current date & time
  • Get current time
  • Timestamp to datetime
  • Python time Module
  • Python time.sleep()
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